Welcome Future Students!

Are you a high school student who needs assistance with your academic success or preparing for the transition to post-secondary life? Perhaps you are concerned about being adequately equipped for this significant shift, or maybe you want to fortify your educational foundation. If so, LearnFreely is the perfect program for you. We offer both in-person and virtual sessions, pairing you with mentors who have already navigated the challenges you may encounter.

With LearnFreely, you will receive exceptional, personalized tutoring from a carefully selected group of talented mentors whose role is to guide you in maximizing your academic potential. Our tutors come from diverse backgrounds, including the physical sciences, arts, engineering, and graduate programs.

Just as our name suggests, LearnFreely is a completely free service. With a dedicated group of exceptional volunteers who are passionate about teaching, we can confidently offer a high-quality experience to our students.

How Do I Become a Student?

To get started, simply click on the application button at the top of this page or navigate to our applications page. Once there, all students will be directed to a student application form. This form will request some basic information from you, including your name, grade level, and current school. Following this, you’ll be asked to specify which course you would like to receive tutoring in. This is a crucial aspect of our program.

It’s important to note that our program is not designed solely to help you achieve perfect grades in all your courses. Rather, our mission is to empower you as a student so that you can thrive not only in your current studies but also beyond high school. To achieve this, we focus on one “focus course” per semester. You’ll need to select a specific course from your curriculum that you wish to excel in during that semester. Your tutor will be assigned based on this choice. While your tutor may have expertise in other subjects, their primary responsibility will be to assist you with your chosen “focus course.” However, flexibility is key, and you and your tutor can certainly discuss and arrange sessions for other subjects as needed.

Once you’ve been paired with a tutor, the majority of the decision-making power regarding when and how often you meet, as well as the structure of your sessions, will rest with you and your tutor. This approach ensures that your learning experience is tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Please keep in mind that our program operates on a semester basis, and your commitment to the program will extend for the duration of the semester. While we strongly discourage dropping out mid-semester, we welcome applications at any time. If you miss the initial semester enrollment, don’t worry; we’ll do our best to match you with the most suitable mentor.

If you have any further inquiries about our application process or any other aspect of our program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@learnfreely.ca. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. We look forward to welcoming you into our learning community soon!